CourseStorm’s Tiered Plans: Frequently Asked Questions

CourseStorm has introduced a tiered model for all customers, effective January 1, 2024.

See below for answers to the most frequently asked questions about this change.


Why did CourseStorm change to a tiered model?

Our prior model included all features for all customers at one price. While this model worked very well for a long time, as we’ve expanded our product we’ve learned that the diversity of our customers’ needs warranted a move in this direction. To offer you increased flexibility, our features and services are now bundled in plans with tiered rates to fit your needs and budget.


How are the new plans different from CourseStorm’s prior model?

When your site is transitioned over to the new model in early 2024, your Admin Menu will reflect the features available in your plan. You’ll receive an email notification prior to this change.

Future features will be placed in various plans, and product update notifications will indicate which plans are eligible for the new features. You always have the option to change your plan any time.

Why did pricing change?

Based on your feedback, we continue to hone our offerings to meet as many of your needs as possible. We’ve leveled up our platform’s offerings with new features, enhanced functionality, and improved site performance, and we have so much more on the way!

After nearly seven years without a pricing update, this change has become necessary, in response to rising costs across the board. The update to our rates will enable us to bring you more features and services to fulfill our mission of saving you time and helping you enroll more students.


What does this change mean for my organization?

Prior rates and access to all features will remain in effect for you through December 31, 2023. In our new tiered system, access to all features is called the “All Access” plan.

If you launched your site prior to September 2023, you’ll receive an email with information about your specific account updates, at least 30 days prior to the updates taking place.

When will this change take place?

Starting on or shortly after January 1, customers who choose to keep the All-Access plan will see their rate change per their notification email. Feature access will not change. Customers who opt for a different plan will see their rate and feature access change according to their plan selection. Account updates will be rolled out in waves, at least 30 days from the notification date.

What are my options?

If you want to retain access to CourseStorm’s full feature set, you don’t need to do anything! Your account will remain on the All Access plan and your rate will adjust automatically at least 30 days after the date your notification is sent.

If you would like to select a different plan, simply reach out to us at to discuss options. We’re happy to help!

What’s not changing?

Our pricing is still transaction-based. Our fees are charged at the point of sale, when a registration is placed. For programs that offer only paid classes, this means there are still no monthly or annual subscription fees*.

No separate invoices. We still won’t send you a bill for the fees for credit card registrations. CourseStorm’s fees are deducted from your payouts, as always. 

Share the cost with your students. We still offer the option of cost-sharing with your students, by passing a portion of your cost along to the student in the form of a flat convenience fee. You can change this setting any time by contacting us.

Payment processing. Stripe’s standard payment processing fee also applies to all credit card registrations. At the time of this writing, this fee is still 3%.

*Hybrid sites, which take more than 25% of their registrations with offline payment methods in addition to their credit card registrations, will continue to pay an annual subscription for their offline registrations. The subscription renewal timeframe and process is unchanged at this time.