CourseStorm’s class registration software is designed to make life easier for your staff and students. With features that save you time and help you grow, it’s got everything you need and nothing you don’t. Keep reading to learn more or start a free trial and see how it works for yourself!
Trusted by top informal learning programs across the U.S.
People expect online registration to be easy. A cumbersome experience may be keeping more people than you know from accessing your courses. Streamline the process for potential students with CourseStorm.
Friends & family registration
Registrants can easily add multiple adults and children to their accounts, making it easy to sign everyone up at once.
Customized registration forms
Easily customize forms and avoid clunky repetition for registrants while getting the info you need.
Automated waitlisting
CourseStorm will automatically close registration for a full class, prompting students to a waitlist. No calls needed.
Mobile-friendly experience
Offer a first-rate mobile registration experience with CourseStorm, no app required.
From 10-step workarounds to “MacGyvering” multiple tools to solve one problem—too many teams are wasting too much time on tech. Staff love CourseStorm because it gives you hours back to spend connecting people to learning.
Easy roster management
Manage enrolment, easily communicate
Controlled instructor access
Admins can allow instructors to view/manage rosters
Integrated payment processing
All cc data in one system/no manual entry/simple cancellation and refunds
Seamless integrations
Collect all your data in one place for better diagnosing/reporting
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Easy payment plans
Register multiple people at one time; register for multiple classes at one time
Low enrollment notifications
Register multiple people at one time; register for multiple classes at one time
Automated marketing
Register multiple people at one time; register for multiple classes at one time
Corem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Native integrations
Register multiple people at one time; register for multiple classes at one time
Zapier connections
Register multiple people at one time; register for multiple classes at one time
Register multiple people at one time; register for multiple classes at one time
Can't find what you're looking for?
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Discover how CourseStorm can save you 100s of hours and help you take your student experience and program reputation to new heights.