Grow Your Program

Insights Into Informal Learning to Help Grow Your Program

Brian Rahill

October 10, 2022

Informal learning rarely gets access to the kinds of industry-wide data that other sectors of education use to guide decision making. We don’t think that’s fair. After all, non-traditional education providers are helping people grow and creating opportunities for students of all ages. Why shouldn’t they have access to informal learning insights, much like higher ed and K-12 programs? 

To help close this information gap, we at CourseStorm have compiled some of what we’ve learned from facilitating nearly 1 million class registrations to unearth patterns and strategies that you can apply to your programs. We’re calling it the State of Informal Learning Report 2022, or SOIL for short.

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What’s Inside The SOIL Report? 

The SOIL report is full of informal learning insights and all the raw materials you need to help your program grow and thrive. Here’s a sneak peek: 

  • Student demand for online classes remains high, but program offerings aren’t keeping pace. 
  • The majority of registrations happen between 40 and 30 days before the class starts. 
  • 33% of class registrations come from returning students.

And we’re not just sharing the data. We’re also giving you insight into how programs can increase enrollments and maximize student satisfaction. 

You’ll learn ways to: 

  • Market your informal learning programs so you can reduce cancellation rates. 
  • Remove barriers that stop students from completing your registration process. 
  • Keep prices affordable for students and sustainable for your program.

Where Does These Informal Learning Insights Come From?

CourseStorm has been streamlining access to education through simple registration software for more than a decade. In that time, we’ve supported programs across the country to help them save time and enroll more students. The informal learning insights in this report comes from the nearly 1 million class registrations we’ve had the honor of facilitating. 

As far as we know, The SOIL Report is the first of its kind. It pulls together information and insights from programs in workforce development, art centers, theaters, performing arts centers, adult ed programs, municipalities, and independent non-profits to give a clear picture of what students want, need, and expect from their informal education providers. 

Who is The SOIL Report for?

The SOIL report is for anyone who is running or responsible for an informal education program. That includes directors of workforce development training programs, administrators of enrichment programs, education coordinators at theaters and museums, and leaders of nonprofits with an education component. 

In short, if you’re educating learners outside the traditional school system, this information is for you. The best part is, it’s absolutely free. Download the report below.

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Brian Rahill

Brian is a scientist-turned-education technology executive. He has founded and led technology companies for more than 20 years and uses his analytical mind and experimental approach to spur growth in small and medium businesses and start-ups. He is passionate about using technology to enhance access to lifelong learning.

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