Thank you for visiting CourseStorm! We’ve prepared a demo site for you, which you can access here: https://course-storm-sxswedu-2019-demo.coursestorm.com
Demo access password: course-storm-sxswedu-2019-demo
Once you see the website, you’ll go to the staff login at the bottom of the page and click the “Staff Login” link which will trigger the login screen.
Login: monique+sxswedu2019@coursestorm.com
Password: SXSWedu2019
If you have any problems, please take a look at the following article from our help site: https://help.coursestorm.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009751533-How-to-Log-In
We created a short video to show you what the process is like for an organization signing up for CourseStorm for the first time. It’s just over three minutes long.